Tour n°1 :

luberon new website

A sample of those highly perched villages ... half way between the Sky and the Earth...

Oppede le vieux where time seems at rest...
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Detailed description

  • Oppede-le-Vieux : after strolling in this village full of majesty, where time seems at rest, you'll have a local oil-tasting session on the premises of the mill.

  • Menerbes : we'll pay a visit to its cork-screw museum before sipping some of the "Côtes du Luberon".

  • Free time for lunch in Menerbes and discovery of this typical village classed "among the most beautiful of France".

  • Afternoon spent seeing what is left of the Marquis de Sade's castle at Lacoste. Don't forget sadism wouldn't exist without this gentleman.
    Bonnieux, the next village on the list, will probably charm you.